Home Improvement Season 5. The show was created by Matt Williams, Carmen Finestra and David McFadzean. Synopsis: Light television comedy about family man Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.
Season five of Home Improvement was/is another great season of this hillarious sitcom. This series never seems to get old. Content of the film : Home Improvement is a sitcom about Tim Taylor, the accident prone host of a Detroit, Michigan television program about tools, who raises his dysfunctional family.
Tim Taylor, the man of the house, has his own TV show entitled "Tool Time" with a bachelor co-host Al Borland.
Join the Taylor family, along with neighbor Wilson and Tim's faithful sidekick Al as the laughs are in full gear.
Fast movie loading speed at fmovies.movie. Tim lets an honorary degree go to his head, Jill's success in school leads her to. Please use a supported version for the best MSN experience.