Home Improvement Grants For Veterans. The Department of Veterans' Affairs provides three types of grants for veterans to enable them to make home modifications to accommodate for disabilities connected to their military service or for disabilities resulting from aging. They are awarded through the local regional medical center prosthetics department.
Grants to Texas local units of government for programs that enable veterans and their families to receive services that provide assistance in managing the judicial process and court system.
Funds for home repairs and improvements grants are only available at the city and county levels (see the list below).
These grants are given away for free, and they could help low income veterans with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and medications. Budget Blinds has long seen Veterans as particularly fit for duty as franchisees. If you represent an organization, public housing, state/local government, etc, make sure you have as much information as possible about your project and how you intend to use or distribute the.