Bob Vila Home Improvement. There has been a huge growth in home-improvement shows and cable channels like Hgtv and the Diy Network in the past several years. "When you think of home improvement, you think of Bob Vila, so being a longtime partner of has been a great honor and we're excited for what's to come," adds James Sibley, Senior Director of QuinStreet Home Services. "The expansion of our partnership will give consumers. So, too, do home improvement tasks.
Vila was born in Miami, Florida. For more Bob Vila How-To's, visit for quick tips and project. If you're like so many other property owners, you put a great deal of time and energy, money and thought into your single biggest investment, your home.
Better than anyone else, you know that there's more to do before your home.
Vila, a Cuban-American, is a native of Miami, Florida.
If you're like so many other property owners, you put a great deal of time and energy, money and thought into your single biggest investment, your home. Y. facelifts, around these parts he is better known as a successful flipper of top-of-the-line Manhattan real estate. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY.