Home Improvement Contractor License Nj. I am licensed as a home improvement contractor by a local town. Get A FREE Consultation and Estimate for Your Next NJ Home Improvement Project!
The Board for Contractors licenses businesses engaged in the construction, removal, repair, or improvement of facilities on property owned by others. Should you decide a professional installation from a licensed contractor is the way to go, rest assured knowing The Home Depot stands behind all installation work to make sure the project is completed on time the right way. As mandated by the NJ Contractors Registration Act, the State of New Jersey, through the New Jersey Division To search for a home improvement contractor's (or often referred to as general contractor's) license number, go to the previously mentioned page.
What must I do if my license is lost or destroyed?
Our home improvement contractors in South Jersey can build any Deck, Shed or Patio you want.
As mandated by the NJ Contractors Registration Act, the State of New Jersey, through the New Jersey Division To search for a home improvement contractor's (or often referred to as general contractor's) license number, go to the previously mentioned page. Any home improvement contractor who is required to register but who has not received a Yes, a subcontractor of a contractor must register. There's a lot of paperwork involved.