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Improve Home Wifi

Improve Home Wifi. Wifi is also one of the most frustrating things to set up and troubleshoot. If your WiFi network isn't performing up to your expectations, there are many things that you can do to improve the situation.

Five Ways to Improve WiFi Coverage in Home/Office
Five Ways to Improve WiFi Coverage in Home/Office (Eliza Allison)
Wi-Fi signals tend to be stronger horizontally from the router, and when the router is on the same floor of a home as the devices connected to it. Unfortunately, WiFi is subject to interference and can make it difficult to have good WiFi coverage. Take the following into consideration for better WiFi performance: Check Gateway/Router Placement.

Wifi is also one of the most frustrating things to set up and troubleshoot.

Your ability to maintain a consistent connection to Wi-Fi depends on many factors.

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Your router uses a particular Wi-Fi channel to communicate with the devices around your home, and if you have neighbors living very close who have routers using. Wi-Fi signals tend to be stronger horizontally from the router, and when the router is on the same floor of a home as the devices connected to it. Watch till the End of this episode to find how you.

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